uFCoder 2.62
No Matches


UFR_STATUS DL_API Display_EraseSection (int xPos, int xPosEND, int yPos, int yPosEND)
 Function clears a specified section of the display. If xPosEND or yPosEND are set to 0, the function will automatically assume that the end postion for erasing extends to the edge of the screen (i.e., xPosEND will default to the display's maximum width, and yPosEND will default to it's maximum height).
UFR_STATUS DL_API Display_PrintText (const char *customText, int fontStyle, int fontSize, int scrollEnable, int positionX, int positionY)
 Function displays custom text on the screen. It can also enable text scrolling, position the text at a specific location on the display, and adjust the font size and style.
UFR_STATUS DL_API Display_SaveBitmapToGallery (const char *filename, int gallery_index)
 Function is used for extracting image pixel values and storing them in the display for later use. This function will not render the image to the display.
UFR_STATUS DL_API Display_SaveSystemBitmap (const char *filename, int system_bitmap_index)
 Function allows you to change the essential symbols that the display regularly uses. These symbols include the Boot Image (ID-15), the Check bitmap(ID-14), and the Cross bitmap (ID-13).
UFR_STATUS DL_API Display_ShowBitmap (const char *filename, int positionX, int positionY)
 Function takes an image and extracts it's pixel values and then just renders the on the display without storing the bitmap in the display.
UFR_STATUS DL_API Display_ShowBitmapFromGallery (int gallery_index)
 Function renders an image that is stored in the display gallery. The gallery consist of 15 slots, of those 15 - 10 are used for storing bitmaps and the other 4 (11-15) are SystemBitmaps used by the display.
UFR_STATUS DL_API Display_ShowLastUnsavedImage ()
 Function renders the last image that was called with the function Display_ShowBitmap()
UFR_STATUS DL_API Display_ShowTime (int hour, int minute)
 Function writes the time on the display. If the display is not connected to the Reader, the time will be displayed and remain unchanged. However, if the display is connected to the Reader, the time will be shown only for a second because the Reader is sending the correct time to the display every second.
UFR_STATUS DL_API Display_Transmit (uint8_t *cmd, uint8_t *cmd_ext, uint8_t *rsp)
 Function is used for communicating with the uFR device via I2C in COM protocol format.
UFR_STATUS DL_API Display_UserInterfaceSignal (int signal)
 Function displays a chec or a cross bitmap and, if a speaker is connected to the display, it triggers a function that produces a beep sound.

Detailed Description

uFCoder library version 6.0.5

Function Documentation

◆ Display_EraseSection()

UFR_STATUS DL_API Display_EraseSection ( int xPos,
int xPosEND,
int yPos,
int yPosEND )

Function clears a specified section of the display. If xPosEND or yPosEND are set to 0, the function will automatically assume that the end postion for erasing extends to the edge of the screen (i.e., xPosEND will default to the display's maximum width, and yPosEND will default to it's maximum height).

uFCoder library version 6.0.5
xPos- number containing X coordinate to clear on the display, start position
xPosEND- number containing X coordinate to clear on the display, end position
yPos- number containing Y coordinate to clear on the display, start position
yPosEND- number containing Y coordinate to clear on the display, end position
Operation status

◆ Display_PrintText()

UFR_STATUS DL_API Display_PrintText ( const char * customText,
int fontStyle,
int fontSize,
int scrollEnable,
int positionX,
int positionY )

Function displays custom text on the screen. It can also enable text scrolling, position the text at a specific location on the display, and adjust the font size and style.

uFCoder library version 6.0.5
customText- pointer to a string text
fontStyle- number to change font style (0-1; 0 - default; 1 - not implemented)
fontSize- number to change font size (0-1; 0 - 8x8 pixels; 1 - 16x16 pixels)
scrollEnable- number to enable scroll (0-1)
positionX- number containing X cordinate to place the text
positionY- number containing Y cordinate to place the text
Operation status

◆ Display_SaveBitmapToGallery()

UFR_STATUS DL_API Display_SaveBitmapToGallery ( const char * filename,
int gallery_index )

Function is used for extracting image pixel values and storing them in the display for later use. This function will not render the image to the display.

uFCoder library version 6.0.5
filename- pointer to the image
gallery_index- where in displays memory to store the bitmap(0-10)
Operation status

◆ Display_SaveSystemBitmap()

UFR_STATUS DL_API Display_SaveSystemBitmap ( const char * filename,
int system_bitmap_index )

Function allows you to change the essential symbols that the display regularly uses. These symbols include the Boot Image (ID-15), the Check bitmap(ID-14), and the Cross bitmap (ID-13).

uFCoder library version 6.0.5
filename- pointer to the image
system_bitmap_index- ID of which system bitmap to change or import new (if slot is free 11-12)
Operation status

◆ Display_ShowBitmap()

UFR_STATUS DL_API Display_ShowBitmap ( const char * filename,
int positionX,
int positionY )

Function takes an image and extracts it's pixel values and then just renders the on the display without storing the bitmap in the display.

uFCoder library version 6.0.5
filename- pointer to the image
positionX- where on the display to start the bitmap.
positionY- where on the display to start the bitmap.
Operation status

◆ Display_ShowBitmapFromGallery()

UFR_STATUS DL_API Display_ShowBitmapFromGallery ( int gallery_index)

Function renders an image that is stored in the display gallery. The gallery consist of 15 slots, of those 15 - 10 are used for storing bitmaps and the other 4 (11-15) are SystemBitmaps used by the display.

uFCoder library version 6.0.5
gallery_index- which slot from the gallery to render on the display
Operation status

◆ Display_ShowLastUnsavedImage()

UFR_STATUS DL_API Display_ShowLastUnsavedImage ( )

Function renders the last image that was called with the function Display_ShowBitmap()

uFCoder library version 6.0.5
Operation status

◆ Display_ShowTime()

UFR_STATUS DL_API Display_ShowTime ( int hour,
int minute )

Function writes the time on the display. If the display is not connected to the Reader, the time will be displayed and remain unchanged. However, if the display is connected to the Reader, the time will be shown only for a second because the Reader is sending the correct time to the display every second.

uFCoder library version 6.0.5
hour- number that represetns the hour that will be drawn on the display
minute- number that represetns the minute that will be drawn on the display
Operation status

◆ Display_Transmit()

UFR_STATUS DL_API Display_Transmit ( uint8_t * cmd,
uint8_t * cmd_ext,
uint8_t * rsp )

Function is used for communicating with the uFR device via I2C in COM protocol format.

uFCoder library version 6.0.5
cmd- Command packet (read the "COM protocol" for more information)
cmd_ext- Command extended packet, if cmd_ext is not being sent then should be "NULL"
rsp- Array where the response will be written (at least 7 bytes)
Operation status

◆ Display_UserInterfaceSignal()

UFR_STATUS DL_API Display_UserInterfaceSignal ( int signal)

Function displays a chec or a cross bitmap and, if a speaker is connected to the display, it triggers a function that produces a beep sound.

uFCoder library version 6.0.5
signal- number to display a check or a cross symbol on the display (1-2; 1-cross; 2-check)
Operation status