uFCoder 2.62
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RGB Signalization

Functions related to RGB signalization on supported reader types. E.g uFR Zero series, uFR Classic CS, uFR Advance, uFR XL. More...


UFR_STATUS DL_API GetRgbIntensity (VAR uint8_t *intensity)
 Function gets the intensity of light on the display.
UFR_STATUS DL_API RgbControl (uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue)
 Sets the color of the RGB diodes.
UFR_STATUS DL_API SetRgbData (IN uint8_t *display_data, uint8_t data_length, uint8_t port_name)
 Function has the same functionality as the function SetDisplayData(). New feature is the RGB port selection.
UFR_STATUS DL_API SetRgbIntensity (uint8_t intensity)
 Function sets the intensity of light on the display.
UFR_STATUS DL_API UfrRgbLightControl (uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue, uint8_t intensity, uint8_t enable)
 For classic uFR PLUS devices only. The function prohibits the blinking of the green diode (if this option is set), and sets color on RGB diodes.
UFR_STATUS DL_API UfrRgbLightControlRfPeriod (uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue, uint8_t intensity, uint16_t period, uint16_t duration, uint8_t rgb_omitted_cnt, uint8_t enable)
 The function sets color on the RGB diodes, period of inactivity NFC RF and RGB, and duration of activity NFC RF and RGB.
UFR_STATUS DL_API UfrRgbLightControlSleep (uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue, uint8_t intensity, uint8_t period, uint16_t duration, uint8_t enable)
 The function sets color on the RGB diodes.

Detailed Description

Functions related to RGB signalization on supported reader types. E.g uFR Zero series, uFR Classic CS, uFR Advance, uFR XL.

Function Documentation

◆ GetRgbIntensity()

UFR_STATUS DL_API GetRgbIntensity ( VAR uint8_t * intensity)

Function gets the intensity of light on the display.

intensityvalue of intensity (0 - 100)
Operation status

◆ RgbControl()

UFR_STATUS DL_API RgbControl ( uint8_t red,
uint8_t green,
uint8_t blue )

Sets the color of the RGB diodes.

This color stays on the RGB diodes until the function GreenLedBlinkingTurnOn() is called. Intensity of light is defined by a parameter stored using the function SetRgbIntensity(). Before this function call, the function GreenLedBlinkingTurnOff() must be called, or the reader is already in mode of blocking automatic signalization.

redvalue of red color (0 - 255)
greenvalue of green color (0 - 255)
bluevalue of blue color (0 - 255)
Operation status

◆ SetRgbData()

UFR_STATUS DL_API SetRgbData ( IN uint8_t * display_data,
uint8_t data_length,
uint8_t port_name )

Function has the same functionality as the function SetDisplayData(). New feature is the RGB port selection.

Internal port uses RGB diodes on the reader PCB. Card size reader has two diodes. XL reader has four diodes. External port uses LED RING with RGB diodes. Before the function calls, the function GreenLedBlinkingTurnOff must be called, or the reader is already in mode of blocking automatic signalization. Function sets the color of the RGB diodes. This color stays on the RGB until the function GreenLedBlinkingTurnOn is called. Intensity of light is defined by a parameter stored using the function SetRgbIntensity.

display_datapointer to data array
data_lengthnumber of data into array
Operation status

◆ SetRgbIntensity()

UFR_STATUS DL_API SetRgbIntensity ( uint8_t intensity)

Function sets the intensity of light on the display.

Value of intensity is in the range 0 to 100. This value writes into the reader's EEPROM, and it loads when the reader starts up.

intensityvalue of intensity (0 - 100)
Operation status

◆ UfrRgbLightControl()

UFR_STATUS DL_API UfrRgbLightControl ( uint8_t red,
uint8_t green,
uint8_t blue,
uint8_t intensity,
uint8_t enable )

For classic uFR PLUS devices only. The function prohibits the blinking of the green diode (if this option is set), and sets color on RGB diodes.

This color stays on diodes until this function sets the parameter "enable" to 0.

redvalue of red color (0 - 255)
greenvalue of green color (0 - 255)
bluevalue of blue color (0 - 255)
intensityvalue of color intensity in percent (0 - 100)
enable1 - enable 0 - disable
Operation status

◆ UfrRgbLightControlRfPeriod()

UFR_STATUS DL_API UfrRgbLightControlRfPeriod ( uint8_t red,
uint8_t green,
uint8_t blue,
uint8_t intensity,
uint16_t period,
uint16_t duration,
uint8_t rgb_omitted_cnt,
uint8_t enable )

The function sets color on the RGB diodes, period of inactivity NFC RF and RGB, and duration of activity NFC RF and RGB.

In the inactivity period NFC RF is off, and RGB light is off. In the activity period NFC RF is on, and RGB may be on. Function also sets the number of omitted activity periods, when the RGB light is off. For example if the inactivity period is 400ms, activity duration is 50ms, and number of omitted activity periods is 5, RGB lights will be on 50ms at every 2250ms.

redvalue of red color (0 - 255)
greenvalue of green color (0 - 255)
bluevalue of blue color (0 - 255)
intensityvalue of color intensity in percent (0 - 100)
periodinactivity period in ms
durationduration of activity period in ms
rgb_omitted_cntnumber of omitted activity periods
enable1 - enable 0 - disable
Operation status

◆ UfrRgbLightControlSleep()

UFR_STATUS DL_API UfrRgbLightControlSleep ( uint8_t red,
uint8_t green,
uint8_t blue,
uint8_t intensity,
uint8_t period,
uint16_t duration,
uint8_t enable )

The function sets color on the RGB diodes.

This setting will appear when the reader is in sleep mode. Function adjusts the period, and duration of impulse of light. The period is a product of approximately two seconds (2s, 4s, 6s, 8s,...). Maximal duration of impulse of light is 2000 ms.

redvalue of red color (0 - 255)
greenvalue of green color (0 - 255)
bluevalue of blue color (0 - 255)
intensityvalue of color intensity in percent (0 - 100)
periodnumber of the 2 seconds period. (1 = 2s, 2 = 4s, 3 = 6s, …)
durationduration of impulse of light in ms.
enable1 - enable 0 - disable
Operation status